Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Then here comes the stomach virus....

Huh.. no time to write any post again this week, fever last week and stomach virus this week.... thank god he   is over it now, I think.. and start acting normal again the last two days, we went to the Dallas aquarium yesterday and Chuck E cheese's 2 days in a row just to reward him, poor kid has been suffered for the last two weeks.

The stomach virus started when he first threw up in the day care, I had noticed he did not had much appetite two days priors to that, the teacher said "he threw up a lot!". I didn't take it seriously until I saw it myself at home that same night.. his vomiting is frightening , yes.. the teacher was right.. it is a lot! The clean up is a mess too, the spaghetti that I forced him to eat during dinner was everywhere, things not only came out of his mouth but his nose too, eww... His teacher did mentioned that school has a stomach virus that is going on, a few teachers had to go home sick and a few kids at other classroom have the same thing.. both vomiting and diarrhea.

Ok, so, still sent the poor kid to daycare the next day, and teacher told me the same thing when I went picked him up, I did not forced him to eat dinner this time, he had only maybe two bites at dinner. So, I gave him some milk.. thinking it should be just fine since he did not eat hardly anything. Well same thing happened again... threw up in the room all over again.

Took him to the doctor the next day finally just to make sure, doctor did not find any other infection and he thinks it was a stomach virus as well, there is no medication that he need to take and he said it should last only 2 days, meaning we just have to suffer and let him be sick? ok.

So, Skyler is just not being Skyler, he is tired and no wanting to eat anything, or drinking. All I did is to give him milk hopefully he will at least have something in his stomach... I was so wrong, I guess... until I was talking to one of my customer about this... he said no more milk but to give him electrolyte to avoid dehydration,  sorry.. Skyler... you still has a mom that has a lot to learn.... I didn't know what electrolytes is until he told me about it, in short.. it's just like an adult Gatorade, it replaces fluid and electrolytes lost during diarrhea and vomiting to help prevent dehydration.

Decided to give it a try and went to groceries store to get one, gave it to Skyler  and he drank over half bottle within maybe 3 hours, I was please seeing it as he did not want any water or milk... I bought him a strawberry flavor, so I guess it tastes good as well. Who knows he is then jumping, laughing and running that same afternoon. Oh, realized my poor kid is probably just over dehydrated...

As I am writing this post, went and Google tips for vomiting, OMG, I did all the wrong thing, kept forcing him to drink milk and water, please see below tips, a little simple right things might cut a lot of suffer time for both you and your child:

For Kids 1 Year and Older:

  • Give clear liquids (milk and milk products should be avoided) in small amounts ranging from 2 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons, or up to 1 ounce or 30 milliliters depending on how much your child can tolerate, every 15 minutes.

    Appropriate clear liquids include:
    • ice chips or sips of water
    • flavored oral electrolyte solutions, or add ½ teaspoon (about 3 milliliters) of nonacidic fruit juice to the oral electrolyte solution
    • frozen oral electrolyte solution pops
  • If your child vomits, start over with a smaller amount of fluid (2 teaspoons, or about 5 milliliters) and continue as above.
  • If there's no vomiting for approximately 8 hours, introduce bland, mild foods gradually. But do not force any foods — your child will tell you when he or she is hungry. Saltine crackers, toast, broths, or mild soups (some noodles are OK), mashed potatoes, rice, and breads are all OK.
  • If there's no vomiting for 24 hours, slowly resume the regular diet. Wait 2-3 days before resuming milk products.

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